

  • Over 310,000 Indonesian migrant workers
  • Hundreds of Indonesian spouses married to Taiwanese
  • 300 fishing ports with Indonesian fishermen
  • 7 immigrant detention centers with hundreds of foreign labors in custody
  • Men and women prisons

Immigration Detention Center

Taiwan Immigration Detention centers are part of its National Immigration Agency under the Governing Regulations to ensure the security measure for the forced deportation. The forced deportation often comes into force for reasons of illegal entry, overstayed a visit or the period of residence, working without a permit, and committed crimes. Detainees mostly are foreigner workers from South East Asia, such as Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and the largest population is from Indonesia. The maximum day for foreigners is limited to 120 days; and the average duration of detention is from 30 to 60 days. [1] 
Similar to prisons, detainees’ freedom of movement is restricted to avoid escape. Due to the high density of detainees, lack of privacy, medical resources, and public health condition are the most common concerns in the centers. Besides those, during their time staying in the detention centers, detainees’ outdoor activities are very limited; and most of time, they are being forced by staying inside with minimum activities. Therefore, many of them constantly look forward for visitors outside to visit them.
Our staff and volunteers visit the Detention centers in Hsinchu and Nantou on a regular basis. We sing, chat, and host simple indoor entertainments with the detainees in groups. We also chat with the individual to listen and care for their needs. Our visits bring enjoyment and meaningful messages to them are our motivation. [1] source from: http://www.tahr.org.tw/node/1218

Fishermen Care

There are nearly 300 seaports in Taiwan; thousands of fishermen are foreign labors who left their families behind to be there alone. Many of them work over 10 hours daily. They often sleep either on the fish net or on the boat. They need heart-to-heart care.

Currently, we visit four seaports on a regular basis. We cook lunch for the fishermen and chat with them during their break time. We also give out daily essentials to the fishermen. 

Rehabilitation Center Care

You can meet many people here with different ages, social status and class; however, many are in similar disability situations. Many of them are hopeless and depress due to the sudden change on body disability. We visit the Bethesda Gospel Rehabilitation Center in Taipei on regular basis to care and enlighten the patients.

College Fellowships

We have been invited to lead the fellowships for Neili College, Chung Yuan Christian University, and Taichung Indonesian college group every month. Many of whom are college and PhD students coming from Southeast Asia to study in Taiwan alone. They are eager to seek knowledge and the right path of life.

​Community Caring

Many of our in-home care providers are foreign citizens for many senior citizens. Luke Services International strives to help the senior citizens by providing them with compassion and love. With our healthcare assistance, our health professionals visit the local families to teach them through health seminaries about topics like women's health. 


Prison Visitations

We visit prisoners on a monthly basis. Many of them have lost the hope to live. Yet, as you never give up to love and to care, a few of them are willing to slowly open their hearts. Some of these prisoners are even willing to become one of us and begin training so that they can join our team after their release. This is such an encouragement for us to continue serving this special group. We are here to help these people re-recognize the meaning of life and help them to re-start a new life. 

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