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Give now to make a change in the lives of others around the world

Payments We Accept

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LSI Zelle QR Code

NOTE: To receive a donation receipt,
please provide your email address on the ZELLE memo or send us an email.

Paypal Logo
LSI PayPal QR Code
NOTE: To receive a donation receipt, please provide your mail address on the PayPal memo or send us an email.

Cash or Check

You may support by dropping off a CHECK or CASH to our office at:

3733 Rosemead Blvd., Ste. 105
Rosemead, CA 91770

Payable to:
Luke Services International

Optional memo:
Ukraine, Tokmok, Taiwan, General, Medical, or Backpack project, etc.

We thank you for your continued support and dedication to our charity.

Without your care and supports, it is impossible for LSI to achieve our goals among our project fields.

We hereby give thanks for your faithfulness and generosity!

If you would like to name our charity as the beneficiary under a trust, stock(s), real property(ies), or more;

Please contact us at:
(626) 307-0660.