Community Services

LSI staff and volunteers in different places around the world visit regularly in homes of poor and underserved families. Love is shared through activities, gifts and sharing on special occasions.
  • Kyrgyzstan:We will distribute school uniforms mandated for Kyrgyz children and provide groceries, clothes, and coal to needy families during the winter.
  • Southern California:We provide refugee care in El Cajon and Mojave, CA, distributing backpacks to Syrian and Afghan children, organizing activities, and offering ESL classes for all ages to support their transition.
  • Taiwan:In 2009, LSI discovered that 200,000 Indonesian workers in Taiwan, including caregivers and fishermen, faced loneliness and isolation. In response, LSI sent two missionary couples to Taiwan, partnering with Grace Church Taichung and the Evangelize China Fellowship to launch ministries in northern Taiwan. Today, LSI continues to serve over 325,000 Indonesians through our Hope Center in Taichung.
Distribution of Reading Glasses to Elderly
Kyrgystan: Coal Support
LA: Backpack Drive
Taiwan: Immigrant Indonesian Workers Care